Child Safety @ EBPS

The Child Safe Standards

The aim of the child safe standards is to drive continuous improvement so that protecting children from abuse is embedded in everyday thinking and practice of leaders, staff and volunteers. The focus of the standards is on raising awareness and helping organisations to create and maintain child safe environments through education and training. At EBPS we take our contribution to the safety of children extremely seriously.


The Child Safe Standards have been introduced in response to the recommendations of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations, which found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse. The standards apply to all organisations that provide services for children, including early childhood services.

Creating a child safe organisation

In complying with the child safe standards, schools must include the following principles as part of each standard:

  • promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal children
  • promoting the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • promoting the safety of children with a disability.

To create and maintain a child safe organisation, an early childhood service must have in place the following 7 standards:

Standard 1
: Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety, including through effective leadership arrangements.

Standard 2: A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety.
Standard 3: A code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children.
Standard 4: Screening, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel.
Standard 5: Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse.
Standard 6: Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse.  
Standard 7: Strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children.

The National Quality Framework already requires schools to meet many aspects of the child safe standards. At EBPS we will review our policies, procedures and practices including our current child safe environment and staffing policies and procedures to ensure they meet the child safe standards.

The Department of Education and Training has also developed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist.
There is an extensive array of resources and information to support our knowledge in this area.
Go to the PROTECT – page at the following address:

Please click on the links below to view our Child Safe School Policies and Child Safe Standards documents.

Child Safe - School Policy
Child Safety Reporting Obligations Policy & Procedures
EBPS Child Safety Commitment

Child Safety - Code of Conduct
School Child Safety Officer

Protecting Children From Abuse: For Parents and Carers
Tip Sheet: Safety of children with a disability
Tip Sheet: Cultural safety for Aboriginal children
Tip Sheet: Safety of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

How to keep children safe - for parents and carers
How to be safe - for primary school students

Maria Shearn - Principal