Kite Making Workshops

To celebrate Science Week, the children prepared their kite skins for a special workshop on Friday 17th August, where as a whole school they were shown many different examples of some fabulous kites. They then participated in a workshop where they assembled their kites by adding tails and the other parts to make them a kite ready to fly. It was an industrious 45 minute session, but all the hard work was certainly worth it in the end. On Friday afternoon after all the year levels had assembled their kites, the children had an opportunity to take them outside to test fly them, and my how high they did fly. In possibly one of the highlights of my year, it was wonderful to both see the joy on your children’s faces and hear their squeals of delight as their lovingly made kites soared in the windy afternoon that Mother Nature so obligingly gave us. Thanks again to the Science team for arranging this fun learning event for us.

Written by Maria Shearn - Principal (23/8/18)