To access our current Term Calendar please click here
School Terms for 2023
Term 1: 30th January to 6th April ** (teachers begin term 1 on 27th Jan)
Term 2: 24th April to 23rd June
Term 3: 10th July to 15th September
Term 4: 2nd October to 20th December
PLEASE NOTE - On the last day of term 1, 2 3 - school finishes early at 2:30pm
School Terms for 2024
Term 1: 30th January to 28th March** (teachers begin term 1 on 29th Jan)
Term 2: 15th April to 28th June
Term 3: 15th July to 20th September
Term 4: 7th October to 20th December
School Terms for 2025
Term 1: 29th January to 4th April ** (teachers begin term 1 on 28th Jan)
Term 2: 22nd April to 4th July
Term 3: 21st July to 19th September
Term 4: 6th October to 19th December