Welcome to our wonderful school!
On behalf of the School Council, Staff and Parents of East Bentleigh Primary School, I welcome you and your child/children to our school. This is a great school where your children will experience a nurturing environment in which they will learn and grow.
At East Bentleigh Primary School there is a strong sense of community. Parent input is highly valued and a wide range of opportunities exist for parents to take an active part in the life of the school.
Our school is committed to the development of the whole child academically, physically, socially and emotionally. Curriculum programs are designed to interest and stimulate the children while providing both depth and breadth.
This school is running two curriculum streams. We have a mainstream education and one based on the educational philosophies of Rudolf Steiner. Parents may choose which stream their child attends and it is possible to move from one stream to another according to the needs of the child. If you require further details I would be pleased to discuss the respective merits with you.
The development and extension of Literacy, Numeracy and Social Emotional skills is a whole school priority. Teachers plan together to ensure there is consistency in the implementation and evaluation of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, as well as Mathematics across all year levels.
Our curriculum programs are enhanced by the excellent facilities and wide range of equipment available. A large proportion of the equipment has been provided by parents through fundraising efforts. Parent input is extremely important to the quality of our educational programs as it is only through the extra efforts of parents that such a high level of equipment can be provided.
Our bespoke Greenhouse/Classroom was made a reality by the successful implementation of the Bentleigh Farmers’ Market running on the 4th Saturday of the month on the school premises. The proceeds of this major effort by our parent community helps to maintain the successful Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program which is an integral program at our school as well as many other enhancements to our school.
Our School Council runs various sub-committees ensuring the effective management of the school. Parents are welcome to assist in many ways around the school. You are invited to participate in the school's programs and join in with the various activities organised by School Council.
We have also recently completed our Capital Works program which has provided us with an amazing Performing Arts Centre and 4 new state of the art classrooms to accommodate our growing school and the wonderful arts/music based programs we offer.
I look forward to meeting you in the near future.
Sue Jackson
Acting Principal