Newsletter 29th November 2024


Principal's Message

Hi families and community of EBPS,

I hope this finds you all well. The weather has turned sunny, our beautiful gardens are growing with flowers out, and we are fast approaching the holiday break.

As always, we have had a very busy week, with lots of exciting things happening around the school, and lots of exciting things planned. Our last Farmers Market was wonderful; thank you to those volunteers who support our community, even on weekends! Read on for some of our latest news

Being Humble

We are currently focussed on the value of being humble, and our teachers are talking with students about this. Being humble means knowing that everyone is as important as everyone else, and treating people equally and fairly. In primary school, being humble helps you be a kind and respectful friend. It means listening to others, learning from mistakes, and saying "thank you" or "good job" when someone helps you or does something great. When you're humble, you treat everyone fairly and make your classroom a happy place for everyone. Being humble is part of being a good person because it shows that you care about others and want to work together to make things better.

Planning for Next Year – part 2

Last week we explained some of our work for 2025 planning. We are currently finalising classes and staffing, and working out timetables. We have some exciting things planned for next year, including our preps being in the PAC building. There are many reasons why we have planned for this, and we will explain more early next year, as we think about our long term goals and increase in enrolments.

Working Bee

Thank you to those people who responded to our call out for help at the next working bee which was planned for this Sunday 1st December.

We regretfully need to cancel this working bee due to low numbers. I understand that families at this time are very busy in the run up to the holiday break, as are our staff.

We are rescheduling to Sunday 19th January 2025, and are now putting out a call to our community to join us in January to prepare our grounds for the return of our students. If you are available for this January working bee, please let Ann in the office know, and we will communicate with you closer to the day. Thanks in advance.

Our new Studio

Next year we are planning to have a video podcast studio that our senior students will work in. Like our own TV studio! I have created these in previous schools I have led, and am excited to be creating one here. As plans develop further, I’ll keep you updated. We will need a name for the new studio (I’m currently calling it EB-TV) and so please get your thinking caps on as I will be asking students to give me some ideas for a name.

Student Leadership

This week we listened to our future school leaders give speeches to pitch why they should be school or other captains. I am so very impressed with the quality of the speeches, and the professional way students conducted themselves. They were confident, passionate and inspiring. We will be shortlisting soon and making a decision, so will keep you informed. A big thank you to the staff who supported and guided our future leaders.

Click here to view what we have coming up!

As always, my door is open, and I am happy to chat.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kindest Regards,

Sarah Spence

Parents Carers Friends Association (PCFA)

PCFA November news

Wow, what a day the School Colour Run was!

We can’t thank everyone enough for making it the amazing community event that it was.

The fundraising exceeded all expectations, with a final total of $29,331.90! These efforts will go straight towards the school’s outdoor area plans, with further announcements on that to come. There were some wonderful individual fundraising efforts and congratulations to Lottie Eden-McIlroy on being our number 1 fundraiser with $1,515 raised!

Being a huge event there are a lot of people and businesses to recognise. Firstly, we would like to thank everyone that fundraised, got involved and participated in the event we have received some fantastic feedback about how great the day was. We would love to make this an annual event and would love if people could fill out a survey that will come out shortly to help us make it even better!

There are some individuals that contributed greatly to the success, particularly Rachel Jeffreys and Claire Eden that were involved in every part of the event from organisation, planning the course and obstacles, getting donations and huge contributions on the day. We truly couldn’t have done it without you both! Thanks also to the following people

  • Hannah Eden for all the creative design on announcements of prize winners and sliming milestones.
  • Our set-up crew of Rachel, Hannah, Ruth Mizrahi, Shihomi Kon, Jules Suleyman, Sal Cockroft, Heidi Nankervis and 5/6G student Aydin.
  • Our pack-up crew of Rachel, Clarie, Hannah, Ruth and Chris Lopez Pimienta.
  • All the wonderful EBPS staff, for managing the obstacle and colour stations but an extra special thanks to our sliming participants Sarah Spence, Paul Bolmot, Heidi Nankervis, Michelle Mather, Lee Jellis, Andrea Smith, Amanda Hooper-Duffy and Janette Grunfelder.
  • The local organisations that contributed donations for awards and recognitions, please support them if you can.
    • Krav Maga Australia, providing practical self-defence at 34A Bignell Road, Moorabbin
    • Cones Studio, pottery and ceramics at 351 Centre Road, Bentleigh
    • Hello Sam Burger Bar at 691 Centre Road, East Bentleigh
    • Marbled Meats butcher at 291 Chesterville Road, East Bentleigh
    • Humble Creatures Café at 4 Matthews Road, East Bentleigh
    • Marti’s Bakehouse at Shop 2, 11 Central Avenue, Moorabbin
    • Ormond Ice Creamery at 742 North Road, Ormond

In other news, congratulations to Sarah on her appointment into the ongoing Principal role, we are all excited to see what the next chapter of the school looks like. Her enthusiasm and support of the PCFA gives us great motivation to continue building on community and fundraising events.

It has been wonderful to recommence the PCFA at EBPS this year and I am looking forward to continuing the great start we have made. We have some exciting plans coming together for 2025 and will hopefully see the return of the Bush Dance in term 1 next year.

Hopefully more people can get involved in 2025 and beyond!

Lisa Cleland
PCFA President

Literacy @ EBPS

Literacy in Class 2M

For Literacy in 2M, we have been exploring different forms of poetry. We have woven this exploration into our Saints and Inspiring People Main Lesson. After hearing the story of St George and the Dragon, the children created a word bank based on the story. We then worked together to think of rhyming words which we used to create our own poem about the story.

By Melinda Cole - 2M Classroom Teacher

Wellbeing @ EBPS

Wellbeing in Class 3A

Recently, the children in 3A have been learning about the importance of using effective communication and about the various types of communication. They worked with Adam, our Pre Service Teacher, to play a game using non-verbal communication and then used their love of playing soccer games to understand more about the importance of different types of communication in a real life scenario.

Non-Verbal Communication Miming Game

    • Students formed small groups.
    • Each group was assigned a scenario (e.g., crossing a busy road, brushing teeth).
    • The first student acted out the scenario silently to the next student in line while others faced away.
    • The last student guessed the action.

Purpose: To explore the challenges of non-verbal communication.

Student Feedback:

    • “This would be way easier if we could talk.”
    • “Verbal communication is much easier than non-verbal."

Later in the week, students were divided into two teams and played a game of soccer.

After the game, we reflected on the importance of communication in soccer and in everyday life.

Student Insights:

“The difference between verbal and non-verbal communication is that verbal communication is when you speak to someone, and non-verbal involves using facial expressions and hand movements.”

“Verbal communication is important in soccer because you need to call for the ball.”

“Positive feedback is important because it helps encourage your teammates to keep playing.”

“Constructive criticism is important because it helps motivate someone while also sharing room for improvement.”

By Adam Hatchuel, Pre-Service Teacher 3A

Camp Australia News

Community Information

Term 4 Calendar

To view the Term 4 Calendar in full - please click here: term calendar
Please note - more entries will be added to the calendar during Term 4 - so be sure to always check the calendar each week when you receive your Newsletter / Bulletin email.

Here is what is coming up in the last week of school.

Thank-you :)


: We thank the many organisations/businesses that support the publication of our newsletter by paying for their advertising. Whilst the Editor checks for appropriate content, E.B.P.S. does not endorse the conduct or service and encourages parents to investigate the product or service as they would for any purchase they are contemplating.  Sarah Spence - Acting Principal**