East Bentleigh Primary School acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and learn, the Boon Wurrung people.We pay respect to their elders, past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.
Hi families and community of EBPS, what a busy start to term 4, and an exciting couple of weeks ahead.
I have met many families at the gate over the past couple of weeks, and want to thank you for being so welcoming and friendly.
I have also spent time in many classrooms, and met your wonderful children. We really are very lucky to have such dedicated and caring staff.
I had a lovely time at my first Thursday market. It’s a great opportunity for community to meet and share food, stories, and ideas. If you haven’t been, please drop by after school next Thursday, have a look at the stalls, and catch up for a chat!
There are plenty of things happening at school…please click the Upcoming Dates
Assistant Principal position
I know how important stability in staffing is to schools. I have begun the process of appointing a substantive (ongoing) Assistant Principal in preparation for 2025. The advertisement will close in two weeks, with the interview process expected to take a further week or so. After this there is a two-week period where I cannot release the result to community. Therefore, I expect to be able to advise the outcome in or around week 8 of term.
Colour Run
By the time you are reading this, we will have announced at Assembly an exciting event this term – The Colour Run! On the 14th November we will host The Colour Run, a fun fundraiser where students navigate our fun run track, being sprayed with our vibrant, non-toxic genuine Colour Powder! More information will be given as we get closer. Please support this great community event.
Working Bee
A reminder about our working bee this Sunday 20th October, 9am-12pm.
We are putting in a big effort as a school community to beautify our school, and throughout the term, I will be updating you with what we are doing.
If you can spare any time at all, it would help enormously. Staff and families will be there. Basic maintenance, gardening, etc is on our agenda.
If you have gardening gloves, please bring them, however if you don’t have any that’s ok too.
Student led conferences
Just another reminder that Student led conferences are coming up this Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd October. I’m looking forward to seeing what the students have done this year and hearing about their educational journey. Please contact your class teacher for more info.
Results of the paint colour vote
As part of our school beautification, we are painting the end wall of the main building (as you come in through the front gate) in preparation for further works. There have been two colours on the wall, and I have been asking families and students which they prefer. Classes and staff were also surveyed.
It was close-ish, however the winning colour is the darker shade of blue “Stream”.
Thanks you for giving us your voice, and we will continue to try to have you involved as much as possible in the things we do around school.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Kindest Regards,
Sarah Spence
PCFA October news
The PCFA extends a warm welcome to Sarah Spence, our new Acting Principal for Term 4. Sarah has been out and about meeting parents in the school grounds, I think we can all agree she’s brought a wonderful energy to the school.
We are very excited to announce that at assembly on Friday we launched our major event and fundraiser for the year, a School Colour Run to be held on Thursday 14th November!
Booklets on how to sign up and fundraise have come home with all students, more information about the day will come out on Compass separately (including all the ingredients of the coloured powders).
We’ve set an ambitious fundraising target of $20,000 to go towards all the work that is needed to improve our play spaces and grounds, so we would love as many families as possible to sign up and help out!
This is an inclusive fundraiser we would love you to be a part of. If you would like to come down and watch your kids run, we would love to see you there! The Thursday community market will be on after the event, with the bonus of the Ormond Ice-creamery truck selling some of their fabulous flavours, so a great chance to hang around and meet other parents!
Anyone in the school community is welcome to join the PCFA. Please contact ebps.pcfa@gmail.com for any further information. We have some great plans coming together for 2025 and beyond that we would love everyone to be a part of.
Our next meeting is Wednesday 23rd October at 2.30pm.
Lisa Cleland - PCFA President
Literacy in Prep M
Prep M has been buzzing with excitement as our students dive into the world of narrative writing! We have been focusing on crafting engaging stories that include all the essential elements of a great narrative: characters, a setting, a problem, a solution, and an exciting ending. One of the key skills we’ve been practising is using Sizzling Starts to make sure our stories grab the reader's attention right from the beginning. The students have really embraced the idea of making their stories interesting and dynamic from the very first sentence.
The enthusiasm in the classroom has been wonderful to see, with each student showing creativity and dedication to their writing. They have worked hard to develop problems and solutions within their stories, ensuring that their narratives have a clear structure and a satisfying ending.
By Stewart McCallum - Prep M Classroom Teacher
Numeracy in Grades 5 / 6
For the first two weeks of term 4, grade 5/6GS have been diving into the world of spatial mathematics. Students are investigating 2D shapes and 3D objects and exploring symmetry, transformations and how to visualize shapes from different perspectives. In addition, they are working on interpreting and creating maps which assists them in developing practical skills in locating positions and using directional language. Through a combination of hands-on (often art based) activities and real-world applications, students are developing a deeper understanding of space concepts.
By Andrea Smith - 56S Classroom Teacher
Wellbeing Steiner Classes 1 & 2
This term, the Wellbeing sessions for classes 1 and 2 Steiner have focused on enhancing the children’s problem-solving skills. We had conversations about similarities and differences in points of view and how other people might see things differently from us; we identified cooperative behaviours in a range of group activities, and we practised individual and group decision-making.
One cooperative game we played was called Pass the water. The children were divided into three groups and had to collaborate in order to pass a spoonful of water from a bucket to their team’s container. The winning team had the biggest quantity of water in their container at the end of the game. After the game we discussed what strategies helped each team spill the least amount of water and what actions slowed everyone down. The winning strategies turned out to be staying focused and encouraging our teammates.
By Irina Bugheanu - 1I Classroom Teacher