Newsletter 20th September 2024


Principal's Message

Hi everyone,

When you get this Newsletter you will be enjoying your first day of the holidays with your children – either on a family holiday somewhere or relaxing at home. I wish you all a well-deserved break and stay safe.

This term has been filled with lasts:

  • last term at East Bentleigh P.S
  • last Thursday market – and I didn’t set the BBQ on fire!
  • last assembly
  • last school council
  • last Ensemble – that made me cry – our students are so talented
  • last staff meeting
  • last leadership meeting

And the list goes on.

What I will miss are the relationships – the children, the staff and the families that make up this amazing school. When I talk about East Bentleigh P.S., I tell people that there is a warm feeling that permeates throughout the school and community. Everyone has the same major goal at EBPS - our students’ academic, social and emotional needs come first. I have been so fortunate to end by career here and wish you all a fond farewell.

Thank you Georgie Lye - for your magnificent cake!

Term 4 will commence with a new Acting Principal – Sarah Spence. Sarah is very excited about commencing here at EBPS and she will be well supported by the leadership team and the incredible teachers -both teaching and educational support staff - here at EBPS.

SunSmart Policy - it's HAT season
A reminder that we are now in the SunSmart period of September through to April where students wear hats at all times when playing outside during school hours. If students are not wearing a hat during these times - they will be directed to a sheltered area. Hats can be purchased at the school office at a cost of $12.00. Please unsure your child has their hat with them when they start back in Term 4.

Term 4 Calendar
Our Term 4 Calendar is ready to be downloaded - please click here
Please note all the important dates which relate to your child(ren) and be aware that we add to this during calendar the term. The calendar is included our newsletters and bulletins each week for you to view.

School will start back for Term 4 on Monday 7th October at 8:50am

Kind Regards,

Sue Jackson - Acting Principal

Parents Carers Friends Association (PCFA)

Sports Update

Thank-you to everyone who dressed up and joined in the coin line this morning. The final tally was a massive $346.40, which will go to State Schools Relief.

Congratulations go to Collingwood who raised the most money ($64.40). In 2nd position was the Tigers ($55.15) & 3rd Cats($36.25).

The longest line went to 1st Tigers, 2nd  Pies & 3rd Blues. 

Sorry no winner of the "Get in the Bin" competition. Prize will jackpot next year. 

Thanks to our house captains for their assistance in running the games and counting the cash.  

Go Dons!

By John Seeary - PE Teacher

Literacy @ EBPS


This term in Years 1/2, we have been diving into the exciting worlds of information reports and narratives! One of the essential skills we’ve been focusing on is summarising. Understanding how to summarise a text not only helps students improve their reading comprehension but also enhances their ability to communicate key ideas effectively.

What Is Summarising?

Summarising involves condensing a text into its main points while keeping the essential elements intact. A good summary captures the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and “why” of a story, allowing readers to grasp the overall message without needing to read the entire text.

Why Is Summarising Important?

  1. Improves Comprehension: By identifying key details, students learn to distinguish between major and minor events, helping them better understand the story as a whole.
  2. Enhances Writing Skills: Summarising teaches students how to express ideas concisely, a skill that will benefit their writing across all subjects.
  3. Encourages Critical Thinking: Summarising requires students to think critically about what they read, fostering deeper engagement with the material.

Classroom Activities

To practice these skills, students have engaged in various fun activities, such as:

  • Peer Summaries: Working in pairs, students take turns summarising stories for each other, fostering collaboration and discussion.
  • Illustrated Summaries: After reading a narrative, students record the main events using a graphic organiser.

Have a look at some of the summarises students have completed:

Special Writing Topic

This document below - can also be downloaded as a pdf - here

By Alison Hackett & Amanda Hooper-Duffy - Literacy Co-ordinators

Wellbeing @ EBPS

NEW - Term 4 2024 School Calendar

To view the Term 4 Calendar in full - please click here: term calendar
Please note - more entries will be added to the calendar during Term 4 - so be sure to always check the calendar each week when you receive your Newsletter / Bulletin email. Thank-you

Community Information

Camp Australia News
