East Bentleigh Primary School acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and learn, the Boon Wurrung people.We pay respect to their elders, past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.
Hi everyone,
We have two busy weeks left of Term 3. We have the following events on:
Sue’s Farewell
I will take this opportunity to say goodbye to East Bentleigh P.S. as I will be finishing at the end of this term. I have been in education for 49 years and have loved being a teacher/administrator.
I graduated from Toorak Teachers’ college in 1977 at the ripe old age of 20, and my first teaching position in 1978 was at St Patrick’s, Lilydale in a grade 5/6 composite – 33 children and no time release! In 1979 I was notified that I had a position with the Department of Education at Ashburton P.S. as a grade 3/4 teacher. In those days they worked on the basis - last in, first out - so at the end of the year I was made in excess due to numbers at the school dropping, and started 1980 at Valkstone P.S. At the end of February, after 4 great weeks at Valkstone, I was sent to Oakwood Park P.S in Noble Park, as a prep teacher – it was very scary!!! I made firm friendships at Oakwood Park and stayed there until 1985. In 1986, I managed a transfer to Brighton P.S. I loved Brighton P.S and was happy to stay for the next 24 years as a P.E. teacher and grade 6 teacher mainly. I did many leadership courses during my time at Brighton P.S. and in 2010, I came to East Bentleigh P.S. as Acting Assistant Principal – working alongside Maria Shearn. At the end of Term 1 that year I was made substantive Assistant Principal and enjoyed 14 fabulous years working with Maria. I have been Acting Principal this year and will complete my educational journey at the end of this term.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the families at East Bentleigh Primary School. It is often stated how warm and inviting our school is and I certainly have felt that warmth from our families throughout my years here. I will miss the amazing staff and all the talented children who attend this great school. I leave the school in the capable hands of Sarah-Ellen Spence, who will take on the role as Acting Principal next term. She will be supported through this transition by our very professional and experienced leadership team, consisting of Michelle Mather, Lee Jellis and Janette Grunfelder.
As an avid Tigers supporter, I will sign off in the famous words of our footy hero – Dustin Martin – “I love this school so much, I love you all!”
Best Regards,
Sue Jackson
REMINDER Footy Fun Day – 20th September
Children are encouraged to dress in their favourite footy team colours: - BLACK and YELLOW is my preference but I am positive we will be seeing lots of RED/WHITE and BLACK or just BLACK and WHITE.
All classes will participate in a coin line to see which A.F.L. team is the most popular. We also have a line for those who do not follow A.F.L. Children are asked to bring along their small change to add to our coin lines.
I wonder what team is the most popular!
John Seeary and the House Captains will be organizing the coin line. This will occur on Friday morning between - 9:00am – 11:00am
PCFA Report by President Lisa Cleland
As has been reported in previous newsletters, our Parents, Carers and Friends Association officially commenced with our AGM held on 19th June. We have had a small shuffle of office bearers with Claire Eden switching over to the Secretary role and Rachel Jeffreys taking the Treasurer role. I’d like to thank Megan Wandel for putting her hand up to take the Secretary role at the AGM that meant we could get the association up and running, but personal commitments have meant she has had to return to a part of the general membership.
We held our Father/Special Person’s Day stall and raffle last week. It was a big job to follow on from the successful Mother/Special Person’s Day stall and events run by Tania Sanchez, so much so that we split the jobs across a few of us and there were many valuable contributions. I would especially like to recognise the efforts of Hannah Eden for taking on the organisation of the stall and Rachel Jeffreys for running the raffle with some fabulous prizes and all her assistance with the stall.
It was wonderful to run another successful event, with many handmade gifts and enthusiastic buying from all the students (and some staff too!). In total the stall and raffle raised $1,330, which will be contributed meaningfully to the school. While there were many volunteers that made gifts and helped run the stall, it is important to recognise all of them as any contribution is always a big help towards the success of events.
Many thanks go to the following volunteers and contributions.
Raffle – Rachel Jeffreys for organising and the Giant Toblerone donation, Andy @ Meat the Farmer (contact them at meatthefarmer@outlook.com), Amy @ Monet’s Grocer (visit them at 783 Centre Rd, East Bentleigh) and Camp Australia.
Stall gifts and packing – Hannah Eden, Rachel Jeffreys, Shihomi Kon, Steph McIlroy, Grace C-D (student 3/4P), Robyn Dale, Yaz Gate, Kristy Woodward, Helen Ireland, Shazz Gillespie, Leah Moore, Taylah Voltan and Tessa Hens, along with Carmen's Kitchen very generous donation of various granolas that were able to be made into cereal jars.
Stall volunteers - Hannah, Claire and Goldie Eden, Jules Suleyman (who also helped with pack up), Maddie Ross, Vala Rabinovich, Zoe Borbiro, Taylah Voltan, Stu Mannion, Marta, Ben Weinberg, Lindsay Kilpatrick, Ali Cowan, Ya Fang and Tal Wolf.
We look forward to organising more exciting events for the students and families to build our school community throughout Term 4.
Anyone in the school community is welcome to join the PCFA, we would love to have as many people as possible, no matter whether your contribution is big or small, it’s all valuable!
Our next meeting is Thursday 12th September at 2.30pm in the staffroom.
Please contact ebps.pcfa@gmail.com for any further information.
Lisa Cleland - PCFA President
Year 3/4 Mainstream: Discovering Procedural Texts
Our Year 3/4 Mainstream classes embarked on an exciting journey into procedural writing. The students began their exploration with a hands-on demonstration on how individual muffins can be arranged and decorated to become a special occasion cake! This served as a practical (and delicious) introduction to unpack the core elements of procedural texts. By observing each step of the muffin decoration process, the students experienced the importance of having clear, detailed, and easily understandable instructions in procedural writing.
As part of the demonstration, the students engaged in a brainstorming session to identify suitable verbs and adverbs for describing the decoration process. They compiled a list of action words such as drizzle, sprinkle, pipe, spread, and arrange, and discussed how these verbs accurately describe the actions involved. Additionally, they explored adverbs like carefully, thoroughly, lightly, and evenly to understand how these words provide essential details about the way each action should be performed. This activity highlighted the significance of selecting precise language to create clear and effective instructions.
Instead of writing their own procedural texts, the students concentrated on understanding the structure and features of this writing genre. They reviewed various examples to pinpoint key components, including a well-defined goal, a comprehensive list of materials, and a logical sequence of steps. Through this process, they learned that clarity and specificity are crucial for making instructions easily comprehensible.
By delving into the structure and language of procedural texts, our Year 3/4 students are developing a deeper understanding of effective communication in writing. They are learning to value the role of clarity and precision in their instructions, skills that will be beneficial in their future writing endeavours. We are eager to see how their grasp of procedural texts evolves in the upcoming weeks!
By Aric Parsons & Ang McIntyre - Grade 3/4 Classroom Teachers