East Bentleigh Primary School acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and learn, the Boon Wurrung people.We pay respect to their elders, past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.
Hello everyone,
I would like to wish all dads, grandfathers, and special people a very Happy Father’s Day on Sunday. I do hope you get spoilt by your loved ones with their presence and presents. I am also aware that Father’s Day is a very sad day for some people, especially to those families that have lost precious fathers or grandfathers over the last few years. To these families, hold each other close and think of all the wonderful times you had with your fathers or grandfathers. I personally will be spending the day with my family, celebrating with the new fathers of my two grandchildren this year.
I would personally like to thank Lisa Cleland, Rachel Jeffreys, Claire Eden, Hannah Eden and their wonderful committee who have made the gifts for our Father’s Day Stall this year. I would also like to extend a big thank-you to the parents who assisted with the selling of gifts on Thursday morning. The children loved their selection of gifts and were so excited to show me what they bought. One child said, “I bought my dad so many presents because I love him so much!”
Father's Day Raffle results
Thank-you for entering our Father’s Day raffle. Congratulations to the following people who have all been notified of their prizes:
1st – Toblerone, Valued at $150.00 – Christine
2nd – Meat the Farmer, $150.00 Gift Card - Glen
3rd – Monet’s Grocer Hamper, valued $100.00 - Maureen
4th and 5th – Camp Australia – 10 session pass – Jess and Talia
On Thursday, your child was given a consent form regarding our up-coming Dental Program. This is an opt in program. Please read the form carefully and if you would like your child to be seen by the visiting Dentist in their fully equipped van - please complete and return the consent form by next Friday 6th September at the latest.
The Dental Program will be at our school next term - during the week beginning Monday 25th November.
BOOK FAIR Garden - Monday 9th Sept - Friday 13th Sept
Join us to catch the reading bug!
We will be holding an exciting Book Fair (and fundraiser for the school). On Friday we sent home an Invitation to the Book Fair along with a Wishlist form.
The Senior Library will be open each day before and afterschool (except Friday afternoon) during Book Fair week for you and your child to view the books on offer and make a potential wishlist.
Every BOOK ordered equals RESOURCES for our school - we do hope you are able to support this event.
Kind Regards,
Sue Jackson - Acting Principal