Bulletin 16th August 2024


Principal's Message

Ensemble Performance: Friday 16th August 

What an outstanding morning for all our Year 3 – 6 Steiner students who performed in different ensemble groups for us all. Our talented instrumental team of teachers led by Tae Heine has been working hard throughout the week to prepare our students for their ensemble performances. My sincere thanks to Tae, Jonathan, Jude, Sasha, Lachlan, Sarah and Flynn for their dedication to the task and well done to all our students who performed so professionally.

REMINDER - Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey

At this stage only 5% of parents have completed this survey. Please refer to the link below as a reminder on how to have your say.
Please click here for more information on how to login online to complete the survey.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online until Friday 30 August 2024.

Book Week - Parade on Thursday 22nd Aug at 9am!
Parents, it’s time to start talking ‘books’ with your children as you assist them to plan their contribution for one of our favourite annual events. We will be celebrating Book Week at our school with the popular ‘Dress as your favourite Book Character’ Parade on Thursday 22nd August, beginning at 9.00am on the baskedtball court.
Our wonderful Paul Bolmat (Drama teacher) and Student leaders will be hosting this event. We welcome parents to join in the fun and dress up as well if you can. Get those thinking caps on and have fun planning your child’s costume. We do not expect  parents to purchase expensive costumes - but rather to use what they have at home to create a character. Remember to bring along your favourite book to share with the rest of your class. Jane Ross and her library leaders have some wonderful competitions organized for this week.

HOUSE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - years 3 to 6 next Friday 23rd August 

- please see John's Sports Update page for more information.

ART SHOW - next Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th August.
Gold Coin Donation - upon entry


No Breakfast Club on Friday 23rd August and Monday 26th August

There will be no breakfast club on Friday 23rd August and Monday 26thAugust due to the set -up and pack-up of our annual East Bentleigh P.S. ART SHOW. Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards,
Sue Jackson - Acting Principal


Sports Update

Girls Hockey Report - Southern Metro Champions 

We ventured to Monash Frankston on Wednesday 14th August to compete in the Southern Metro finals. 

The girls played Toorak College in game one and it was apparent early on that we were the dominant team. We ran away 7-1 winners, with Healey and Alisia the goal scorers. 

We needed a win or draw against Firbank Grammar to take the title. We attacked early and took a 2-0 half time lead. Two early 2nd half goals from Alisia and Annabelle sealed a comfortable 4-0 win to become Southern Metro Champions. Special mention to Lauren, Teyani, Ruby, Shoshana, Amanda and Evie who created a 'brick wall' in defence. 

The girls will now compete on September 12th at Footscray Hockey Club for the State Title. 

Thanks to Sue and parents for their encouragement and support today. 

next Friday 23rd August

Years 3 to 6

Friday 23rd August 2024  from 
9:00am -1.30pm

School/Moorleigh Oval 

Events: 100m - High Jump - Discus - 800m - Long Jump - Shot Put

Students can wear their House Colours on the Day.

We require the help of parents in scoring and marshalling for the day. Please contact me at john.seeary@education.vic.gov.au if you can help. 

Thank you
John Seeary - PE Teacher

Farmers' Market Update

Our school has held two Farmers’ Markets since our last update and both markets have seen many local shoppers through the gates.  For these two markets in June & July, we’re pleased to report that we have added an additional $3,300 in funds to support the Kitchen Garden Program.

Attending the Bentleigh Farmers’ Market is an easy way you can support our school each month and we encourage you to tell your friends and family to do the same! The more people through the gates, the more money we fundraise to support the Kitchen Garden Program and, more importantly the more our wonderful stallholders sell. 

As always, the market cannot operate each month without help from our school community, many of whom we count on time and again to volunteer their time:

Set-up, Gates & Pack-up: Subhashani, Kevin & Beau, Lisa Cleland, Jess and Shaun Hall, Leigh Redhead, Christina & Bodhi, Yana Klein & Eliana, Claire Follent, Krissy Nicholson, George and Stan, Cheng Hoo, Ravit Zelikson, Lauren & Gary D’Souza, Natalie Byfield & boys, Jules Suleyman.

Breakfast Stall: June - Brittany, Darcy, Lisa, Tim, Steve, Daniel, Gus, Liz and Angela.  July – Elyse, Steph, Steph, Liam, Liz and Ali. 

Our next market is on next Saturday 24th August, and we’d love to see some new faces volunteering.

If you’re free to help with set-up, pack-up or on the gate please reach out to Heidi at heidinankervis@optusnet.com.auThe August breakfast stall will be run by volunteers from our Grade 6 classes so please reach out to Rachel at rachel@heypup.com, if this is you and you are able to help.

Heidi & Rachel


NEW - Term 4 2024 School Calendar

To view the Term 4 Calendar in full - please click here: term calendar
Please note - more entries will be added to the calendar during Term 4 - so be sure to always check the calendar each week when you receive your Newsletter / Bulletin email. Thank-you