East Bentleigh Primary School acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and learn, the Boon Wurrung people.We pay respect to their elders, past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.
Hi everyone,
What a busy month August is! We have been mesmerized with the Paris Olympics and celebrated all the successful athletes. We will wind up the two weeks of competition in Paris with our very own Potato Olympics held on Friday 9th August. I had a special visit from Prep D in my office to show off their potato competitors, ready for the big event. There will be a full report in the bulletin next week.
A very big thank you to Spud Sisters for providing the school with 350 potatoes for our Potato Olympics.
Gastro cases at school
Unfortunately we have had many cases of Gastroentiritis at school this week. Gastroenteritis is highly contagious, so we must try to limit it's spread at school. The main way this can be achieved is to please stay home while sick and until 48 hours after symptoms have stopped. If symptoms persist, visit your GP.
For more information - please click on the link:
Our very own hero – Grace Cleland-Dale
On Wednesday July 24th, 2024, Grace C-D from 3/4P was recognized as one of 21 Junior Triple Zero Heroes for 2024. This prestigious annual event is in its 20th year and recognises the courage and composure of brave young Victorians that called Triple Zero during potentially life-threatening emergencies.
What started as a normal school morning for Grace, then aged 7, turned into a morning where she showed incredible strength and bravery in the face of a major crisis. Her mum was getting breakfast ready for her and her little brother, aged 2, when she fainted in the kitchen, knocking herself unconscious on the bench. This situation was discovered by her little brother who immediately started crying. Grace went to see what was happening and realised the situation needed immediate action. She ran down to her parent’s bedroom, retrieved her Mum's mobile from the bedside table and called 000. Whilst incredibly worried, she managed to stay calm, following the call takers instructions on relaying breathing information, getting a cushion to put under her Mum’s head, putting the dog outside, giving their address and making sure the front door was unlocked for paramedics all while also managing her little brother's distress. Her mum was still unconscious when paramedics arrived to take over and with their assistance Grace then made a call to her other parent to tell her there were paramedics in the house and she would have to turn around from her way to work. Thanks to Grace’s actions her Mum received the care she needed and recovered from a very nasty concussion.
All of Grace’s actions were recognised at the event by those who heard her call where she proudly received a medal and certificate from the Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes. She’s also been on a bit of a media roadshow meeting with the Premier, Jacinta Allen and our local State MP, Nick Staikos to tell her story and highlight the importance of knowing how to call 000 in a major emergency, your location and to listen to the instructions of the skilled and capable Triple Zero Victoria call takers.
Ensemble Week-Week 5 – August 12th – 16th
Our instrumental team has planned for Ensemble Week for Week 5. During the week all instrumental students will firstly be grouped into mixed ensembles by their teachers, then spend the first half of the week learning a new piece to perform for parents later in the week. The performances will take place in the Performing Arts Centre on Friday 16th August, commencing at 9.15 am. I hope to see you there!
Science Week- Week 5 – August 12th– 16th
Next week is National Science Week. The school theme for National Science Week in 2024 is ‘Species Survival - more than just sustainability’
The theme aims to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of different species in an ever-changing world.
Students will have an amazing variety of topics to investigate, and be able to dive into issues of particular interest to them: disease-causing organisms, life-saving chemicals, clean water, photosynthesis, genetic screening, physics of building structures, artificial intelligence, and microplastics.
Andrew Hill – Presentation – Thursday 15th August 5:30pm in PAC
For more information about this parent information session - please see flyer
Please click on this link to register - if you would like to attend: https://forms.office.com/r/2c7CutdPz9
Book Week – Week 6 - 19th - 23rd August
Parents, it’s time to start talking ‘books’ with your children as you assist them to plan their contribution for one of our favourite annual events. We will once again be celebrating Book Week at our school with the return of the popular ‘Dress as your favourite Book Character’ Parade in Week 6, on Thursday 22nd August, beginning at 9.00am. Our wonderful Paul Bolmat (Drama teacher) and Student leaders will be hosting this event. We welcome parents to join in the fun and dress up as well if you can. Get those thinking caps on and have fun planning your child’s costume. We do not expect parents to purchase expensive costumes - but rather to use what they have at home to create a character. Remember to bring along your favourite book to share with the rest of your class.
Jane Ross and her library leaders have some wonderful competitions organized for this week.
Art Show – Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th August
Make sure you visit our fantastic EBPS Art Show - where we showcase amazing artworks produced by our talented students.
Open Friday 23rd August 3:30-4:45pm and Saturday 24th August 10:00-12noon (during the August - Bentleigh Farmers' Market) in the PAC
Enjoy all the fun activities in August!
Kind Regards
Sue Jackson - Acting Principal
Steiner Prep Literacy Highlights Term Three
The children have enjoyed learning about Aboriginal culture through books like My Culture and Me by Gregg Dreise. The children created informative texts with illustrations and sentences scribed by the teacher. They presented the information to the class.
The children are enjoying learning about a different letter and sound each week through the UFLI program. They explore the letter using different objects in the classroom e.g. creating the shape with gemstones as well as practising the letter formation on a blackboard. The children love drawing a picture which captures the imaginative and artistic experience when the letter is first introduced to the children.
Our story of the week has been ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children have immersed themselves in the creative experience and retold the story using props from around the room. They have enjoyed telling the story in correct sequence and building tension using dramatic language and appropriate emphasis and pausing. The children have enjoyed creating a page from the story and putting it in correct sequence to add meaning.
Last week the children thoroughly enjoyed activities relating to a 100 Days of prep. They brainstormed what they had learnt and created a class book. Each page had a drawing, and a sentence scribed by an adult explaining what they had achieved. It is amazing how much the children have learnt in a 100 Days of Prep. I am looking forward to the next 100 Days!
By Donna Leibowitz - Prep D Classroom Teacher
Wellbeing in Mainstream Year 1 and 2
This week in 1/2 Mainstream, the students learnt about the catastrophe scale. A catastrophe scale is a measurement system that helps children with anxiety, anger, or other emotions put their problems and feelings into perspective. The scale organises issues from 1 to 5, from least serious to most serious.
These images show 1/2P making their own catastrophe scale. The scale is a great reference for when children need to decide the severity of their issue. The catastrophe scale helps children develop their emotional intelligence as well as their problem-solving skills by encouraging them to sort and then begin to address and overcome any issues they have.
This would be an easy activity to do at home to help put issues into perspective. Just like in 1/2 Mainstream, you can regularly update and add to your catastrophe scale as new experiences arise.
Bill Portelli - Grade 1/2P Teacher