Newsletter 7th June 2024


Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we move into winter, I hope you all are staying healthy. I was just commenting yesterday how the days are getting shorter and the nights longer and that we must enjoy the beautiful sunshine while it is here.

It has been a busy and exciting week for our Girls Soccer Team - winning the District Soccer – how fantastic! 

Girls Soccer – Report by John Seeary (P.E. teacher)

Congratulations to the Girls Soccer team who were crowned District Champions at the MPSSA Girls Soccer Tournament last Tuesday. 

The girls played 5 games without conceding a goal and scored 27 goals themselves.

They will now go on to represent the District at the Kingston Division finals in Term 3.


0-0 Vs Tucker Rd A

8-0 Vs Tucker Rd B

8-0 Vs Valkstone

7-0 Vs Mckinnon 

4-0 Vs Bentleigh West 


Every day at school counts, but we understand when there are reasons for absence. It is very important that parents use the correct absence code on Compass. There should be a reason for the absence. If you choose ‘parent choice’ please also explain why the child was away (or email the teacher with the reason). Our absence data is reviewed by the Education Department, and we are asked to follow up on the reasons for the ‘parent choice’ option. Your support with this would be appreciated.

School Fees

A huge thank-you to all families who have paid 2024 school fees. I have included the 4 options for payment we offered at the start of the year.

  • OPTION 1: Payment in full by Friday 23rd February and receive a 5% discount if your whole account   is paid.
  • OPTION 2: Payment in full by Thursday 28th March 2024.
  • OPTION 3: Three instalments, proposed as follows: (Your full account divided by 3)

                              Instalment 1  -  Friday 23rd February 2024

                               Instalment 2  -  Friday 19th April 2024

                               Instalment 3  -  Friday 21st June 2024               

  • OPTION 4: Alternative payment options are available through the school with parents encouraged to make an appointment with the school to discuss circumstances and available

We have just done an audit on the percentage of families who have paid 2024 fees – especially the Extra-Curricular fees which are user-paid.

I urge any families who are having difficulties paying fees to make an appointment with myself (Sue Jackson) and Julie Robinson (Business Manager) as soon as possible.

Working Bee

We are organizing our third  working bee for 2024 on Saturday 15th June – next Saturday. Please come along and be part of this wonderful community spirit. Activities planned are weeding, raking leaves, cutting overhanging branches, and even some painting! A delicious morning tea will also be provided.

Mid-Winter Festival

The meaning of the Winter Lantern Festival

The Winter Spiral is celebrated in many countries and schools throughout the world on the Winter Solstice.

Winter Solstice is the day when we experience the longest night and the shortest day of the year as the sun reaches its peak descent and from now on the days begin to get longer.

The Winter Spiral allows for a rekindling of our inner light during a time of darkness, time to celebrate and welcome the return of longer light hours and the promise of Spring.

It is the balance point within the year, for slowing down and taking time for introspection. The Spiral reminds us of the fact that although there are dark times, we are not alone, and if we reach inward to our inner resources, we will meet the changes ahead with renewed strength and resilience.

The children in Prep – 3 at East Bentleigh Primary School have commenced working on their lanterns for this special evening, which at its core is a celebration of light. Whilst the Prep children will enjoy a seasonal puppet show in the classroom, the Years 1-3 children, with their teacher, will meet on the oval, hold hands, and join with the other classes as we slowly and carefully walk the path of the Spiral to the center then turn and walk outwards, all the while singing “Rise up oh Flame”.

 After the spiral the children join their parents and take their lanterns for the lantern walk around our school – lead by the teachers. During this walk we sing “In the Heavens Stars are Shining” This year our Taraleigh Kinder will join our walk.

Families may then enjoy a Winter picnic together on the Oval /Basketball, warmed by the gas heaters.

We hope you all look forward to an experience of warmth and inner light that comes from being part of a community caring for our children together.

An email was sent out via COMPASS on Wednesday to all Prep – Grade 3 parents / carers which includes all the information you need about this wonderful festival.

A Winter Blessing

May goodness fall like snow,

Around you everywhere you go.

May the wintry moon above,

Shed light and peace on those we love.

May gladness from each fireside,

Shed warmth on all both far and wide.

May we this cold dark wintry night,

Know we rest in earth’s pure light.

By Sue Jackson - Acting Principal

What's happening around EBPS

Literacy @ EBPS

English in 6L

Main lesson provides the vehicle for presenting much of our literacy learning; reading, writing, speaking and listening. This semester students completed their Greece main lesson by studying the Labours of Heracles and explored both mythical and everyday heroes, through discussion and related stories. Students moved on to recorded history, exploring stories of the ancient philosophers and 'Alexander the Great.'

This semester, students were explicitly taught a range of uncommon sentence structures and used these to caption their illustrations of each Herculean task. To record these stories as both narratives and information text, students used their own notes to write organised paragraphs with appropriate opening and closing sentences.

Our first science main lesson was mineralogy. Students used this topic as a springboard for developing skills around writing information texts and reports, as a well as developing knowledge around minerals and the formation of rocks, crystals and gemstones. 

To support understanding and provide background information and vocabulary, students participated in hands on activities. They made honeycomb and observed how its formation was similar to pumice stone and grew crystals to observe the process. Students made observations and information texts and reports.

But which is the real pumice?

Crystals are formed when the particles come together in a structured and repeated pattern.

By Lee Jellis - 6L Classroom Teacher

Numeracy @ EBPS

Mathematics - 3/4 Mainstream

In mathematics this term students have enjoyed extending their learning and conceptual understanding of Angles and Geometric Reasoning. This included an exploration of symmetry in our world beginning with a focus on two-dimensional shapes, moving on to identify items in our environment that display symmetrical properties. 

Students got ‘hands on’ to develop their appreciation of how angles are measures of turn when participating in collaborative ‘Angle Hunts’. Students uncovered different angles found in our classroom environment and familiarised themselves with the functionality of a protractor - a geometric tool used for measuring angles. This was quite a challenge, but they certainly had fun!

Students consolidated their prior learning to develop new knowledge of obtuse, acute, and reflex angles, with differentiated opportunities to compare and contrast these to the identifiable features of a right angle. This enabled students to develop their awareness of how to identify whether an angle is less or greater than a right angle. 

Additionally, with our Inquiry unit this term focusing on Earth and Space Science, it was a fantastic chance to apply cross curriculum learning about angles and make connections with scientific concepts! The cohort explored shadows made from the sun and how they can help us to tell the time. Students have participated in a design and production process. Learning about the identifiable features of a sundial - the gnomon and the dial - to support them to design their own sundial, and engage in the production process. They have had ‘hands on’ experience creating functional sundials using recycled materials. This enabled students to apply their conceptual knowledge of angles in an authentic context… getting outdoors to use their bodies as a gnomon to cast a right angle shadow onto the ground which they marked with chalk. Students returned at different times in the day to witness the shifting angle of their shadow.  


By Angela McIntyre - 34J Classroom Teacher

Wellbeing @ EBPS

Steiner Prep Wellbeing-School Buddy Program

The prep children are very excited when they see their year six Buddies, be it in a structured Buddy session or incidentally on the playground. The children have formed incredible bonds with their Buddies and are thrilled every time they see them.

We have had sessions where the year sixes have read to their Buddies. The Buddies feel such a sense of pride and connection when engaging with each other. They have also played games together where the preppies seek guidance from the year sixes. The preppies feel such a sense of excitement when the year sixes assist them with a task. The preppies loved playing the game creating a beetle with their buddies. They loved learning something new from their year six mentors and were so proud when they mastered the game. The preppies also loved when the year sixes explored their prep room and engaged in creative and imaginative play.

The School Buddy Program is an effective way to help encourage a positive, sibling-like relationship between students to instil social and emotional development. The Buddy program isn’t just beneficial for the younger students, they help older students understand how important they are, as individuals, within their school environment. Big buddies can see who they are and how they think/act/behave contributes to school culture.

The Buddy Program also helps older students learn how to be positive role models, and to build confidence in their knowledge and abilities. The Buddy program also gives younger students a mentor to look up to, and someone to come to if they are feeling nervous or anxious in a new environment. I look forward to seeing how the Buddy Program further contributes to positive student wellbeing.

By Donna Leibowitz - Prep Steiner Classroom Teacher

Missing soccer gloves

A student in Year 5 cannot find his new soccer gloves (similar to the image below) after bringing them to school. If you happen to come across them - please bring them to the school office.

Thank you

Camp Australia News

NEW - Term 4 2024 School Calendar

To view the Term 4 Calendar in full - please click here: term calendar
Please note - more entries will be added to the calendar during Term 4 - so be sure to always check the calendar each week when you receive your Newsletter / Bulletin email. Thank-you


**Disclaimer: We thank the many organisations/businesses that support the publication of our newsletter by paying for their advertising. Whilst the Editor checks for appropriate content, E.B.P.S. does not endorse the conduct or service and encourages parents to investigate the product or service as they would for any purchase they are contemplating.  Sue Jackson - Acting Principal**