Newsletter 24th May 2024


Principal's Message

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all keeping yourselves warm with the onset of these colder mornings. Winter is approaching and it is a timely reminder about keeping everyone safe and healthy at school. If your child is unwell with cold and/or flu like symptoms, please keep them home. It is a miserable day at school if you are feeling unwell, and they will only pass these symptoms onto other students.

East Bentleigh P.S. - Parent, Carers and Friends Association (PCFA)

At the beginning of this year, we began the process of establishing a parent’s club at the school. There is a nine-step process that we needed to follow.
We are now at number 7:

1. Letter of request signed from 6 interested parents to the Principal.
2. Meeting organized by Principal – held 17th April.
3. Elect an interim committee at this meeting – formed at this meeting.
4. Interim committee to prepare the current template “Model Parents Club Constitution.
5. Interim committee to seek Minister’s approval of the proposed  constitution.
6. Minister approved our constitution on Wednesday 9th May.
7. We must now call an inaugural meeting to elect office bearers, request nominations for office bearers and interested parents must complete the registration form.

The proposed date for this meeting is Wednesday June 19th at 3pm.

Please click here for the registration form that parents need to fill out to join this association. You need to join so that you can vote (and/or nominate for positions) at the AGM on the 19th of June.

Please send registration forms to If people do send them to the school office email, these will be forwarded to Lisa Cleland and Lisa will collate these forms.

8. At the inaugural meeting, the election of office bearers will take place, conducted by an independent person – i.e. the Principal.
9. Once the office bearers have been elected the association will be in full operation.


Every day at school counts, but we understand when there are reasons for absence. It is vital that parents use the correct code on compass.  There should be a reason for the absence. If you choose ‘parent choice’ please also explain why the child was away (or email the teacher with the reason). Our absence data is reviewed by the Education Department, and we are asked to follow up on the reasons for the ‘parent choice’ option. Your support with this would be appreciated.

Drop Off and Pick Up/Kiss and Go area

Thank you to those parents who are using this space as intended. A reminder that if you use the Kiss and Go area to drop off your child remember there is a 2 minute limit and that you may not leave your car at any time. It is also not an area to wait for your child at the end of the day. The efficient use of this area relies on the flow of cars moving through it and becomes dangerous when used incorrectly as it has done far too often lately by an inconsiderate few.

Dress Code

The Education sub-committee on School Council has updated the Uniform Policy – now called ‘Dress Code Policy’. This policy has been uploaded to the website as a draft for parents and carers to read and send feedback to Sue Jackson -
Please click here to view the policy: Dress Code Policy - draft

Prep Enrolments 2025

We are currently taking prep enrolments for 2025. If you have a child due to start prep next year - please let us know by submitting an enrolment form. You can download the form here: Enrolment Form or pick up a hardcopy from the school office. 

Kind Regards,

Sue Jackson - Acting Principal

What's happening around EBPS

Numeracy @ EBPS

Numeracy in Mainstream 5/6 

In maths, students were challenged to use their knowledge of the four processes, problem solving skills and collaboration to solve a problem called ‘Fifteen Cards’. Students were encouraged to see if they could find more than one solution. Upon correction, they were expected to show a mathematical approach to their findings and understand why some strategies worked and others didn’t. The problem can be found here: Fifteen Cards (

“We kept getting it wrong at the start because we were using a high number with a low number. We then realised what was happening and used numbers closer together. This is how we solved the problem”


Over the past two weeks, Year 5/6 students have explored angles. They learned to identify and classify acute, obtuse, right, revolution, reflex and straight angles. Students practised measuring angles with protractors and found missing angles in internal shapes, applying their knowledge of angle relationships. An angle based scavenger hunt enabled students to show their understanding in an engaging environment.

“I really liked how my work turned out. It was a mix of art and maths which made it fun. Angles can be hard to start with but I ended up liking this work.”

“The scavenger hunt was fun because it was answering a lot of questions but in an interesting way. Trading answers was good because if you were a bit slower you still could finish.”

By Andrea Smith - Grade 56S Classroom Teacher

Wellbeing @ EBPS

Wellbeing in Steiner Classes 1 & 2 - Morning Circle

In classes 1 and 2 Steiner the morning circle supports the children to connect with the class community and get ready for the day. It offers them opportunities to share news, sing seasonal songs, play circle games with their friends, and find out what activities will be taking place during the day.

The morning circle incorporates coordination exercises (bean bag work, clapping rhythms, following steps for folk dancing), counting games linked to the numeracy lessons and phonemic awareness exercises and circle games which build a feeling of belonging to the group.

In the morning circle the teacher works with polarities –  small movements (finger games) as well as big movements (walking with giant steps, skipping, hopping etc.), singing loudly and softly, moving slowly, moving fast – which support the development of fine and gross motor skills, and the spatial awareness.

The morning circle is an important part of the day, as it brings everyone together in verse, movement and song, supporting the development of a positive classroom culture.

By Irina Bugheanu - Class 1I Classroom Teacher

NEW - Term 4 2024 School Calendar

To view the Term 4 Calendar in full - please click here: term calendar
Please note - more entries will be added to the calendar during Term 4 - so be sure to always check the calendar each week when you receive your Newsletter / Bulletin email. Thank-you


**Disclaimer: We thank the many organisations/businesses that support the publication of our newsletter by paying for their advertising. Whilst the Editor checks for appropriate content, E.B.P.S. does not endorse the conduct or service and encourages parents to investigate the product or service as they would for any purchase they are contemplating.  Sue Jackson - Acting Principal**