East Bentleigh Primary School acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and learn, the Boon Wurrung people.We pay respect to their elders, past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.
Mother’s Day
I would like to wish all mums, grandmothers, and special people a very Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday. I do hope you get spoilt by your loved ones with their presence and presents. I am also aware that Mother’s Day is a very sad day for some people, especially to those families that have lost precious mums or grandmothers over the last few years. To these families, hold each other close and think of all the wonderful times you had with your mum or grandmother. I personally will be spending the day with my 94-year-old mum with my many siblings. She will be spoilt with lots of love and attention.
I would personally like to thank Tania Sanchez and her wonderful committee who have made the exquisite gifts for our Mother’s Day Stall this year. They have all been working hard to complete these special gifts for our children to buy for Mother’s Day.
Special message from Tania Sanchez
I am excited to share with you the incredible efforts and generosity of our dedicated volunteers who have poured their time, energy, and talents into making our Mother's Day Activities very special this year.
Below, you'll find a list of these remarkable individuals who have gone above and beyond to support this cause:
Shazz (4AR / 6L) | Kirsty (Max) | Elyse (4AR) | Natalie (3/4) | Tzivia (2M) |
Vanessa (2M / 4AR) | Steph (1ES) | Thuy (4AR) | Kristelle (1ES) | Bella (4AR) |
Mika (2M/PD) | Kristy (5/6 and 3/4) | Sue-Ellen (2M) | Jules (3/4) | Hannah (1ES) |
Shihomi (PD) | Linda (3/4) | Jutine (2M) | Chris (3/4) | Brit (2M) |
Leah | Ruth (5/6) | Hana (3/4 and 2M) | Eve (1/2 and 3/4) | Yaz (2M) |
Maiko (4AR) | Rachel (3/4 and 1/2) | Angela (4AR | Loretto (3A) | Dalia (4AR) |
Lisa (3/4) and her mum | Ajla (4AR) | Megan (34P/56G) |
And the list goes on...
Their willingness to give back to our community, whether through their presence at the stall, their culinary creations for the Morning Tea, their generous donations, or their beautifully crafted handmade gifts, has been nothing short of inspiring.
The journey leading up to this event has been marked by many special connections, creativity, and laughter as volunteers from different streams came together for fun craft nights, decision-making sessions, and moments of magic.
I cannot express enough gratitude for their invaluable contributions and the positive impact they've had on our school community. It's through their collective efforts that we've been able to create a meaningful Mother's Day Stall and spread joy during this special occasion.
I hope Mothers and carers will absolutely love their gifts.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea – Friday 10th May
What a wonderful morning our mums had at the special Morning Tea on Friday. It was lovely to see so many parents attend. This was all part of the celebrations for Mother’s Day this Sunday. There were so many to thank which were acknowledged by Tania Sanchez in her welcome. Thank-you to Ray and Tim who served coffee or tea and helped clean up.
Open Day
This year our Open Day for new families and existing families is on Wednesday 15th May. It is structured differently than our usual Open Days we have had in the past, as it is during the week. We have a set program for the morning as follows:
- 9:15am Welcome Speech by our Principal and School Captains - PAC
- 9:30am Extension Orchestra Performance
- 9:45am Guided Tour: see our classes in action as well as our Kitchen Garden program and many specialist lessons! New parents will be taken on a guided tour with our school leaders and leadership team, existing parents will have the opportunity to visit their child/children’s classroom to see their work. Some of these classes will be at specialists so please see timetable below
- 11:00am Morning Tea - in PAC
- 11:30am Workshop with Doug Bailey from Berry Street: showcasing the Berry Street Education Model that underpins our approach to wellbeing and learn about the positive impact this model has on the wellbeing and engagement of students. All parents are welcome to attend this workshop. I guarantee it will be a rewarding hour of fun activities and expert knowledge.
Specialist Timetable\ |
| 9.00 – 10.00 | 10.00 – 11.00 |
| Drama | 5T | 6L |
P.E. | 6L | 5T | |
French | PM | 3/4P | |
Craft | PD | 2M | |
Art | 3/4P | 3/4J | |
Kitchen | 3A | ||
Garden | 3A |
Please register for our Open Day with the QR code or on the link on our website:
www.eastbentleighps.vic.edu.au or via the link below
AtoSS – Attitude to School Survey
Between Monday 20th May - 14th June our Grade 4-6 students will be participating in the Victorian Department of Education’s 2024 Student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS).
The survey helps to provide us and the department with an insight on how our students are perceiving their schooling experience, with the results used to improve student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction. The survey will be asking your child about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. Student responses are confidential.
Should you not want your child to participate, please email Janette Grunfelder - Janette.Grunfelder@education.vic.gov.au - with your child’s name and grade by Friday 17th May.
National Walk Safely to School Day
On Friday 10th May we celebrated National Walk Safely to School Day by meeting children at the Tennis Court carpark in Brady Road at 8:30am and walking together to school.
Working Bee – Thursday 9th May
We held a Working Bee on Thursday between 2.30pm – 5.00pm to prepare our school grounds for our upcoming Open Day!
Parents met Jane Ross and Catherine Campbell on the kitchen deck to get instructions on where they were working. We would like to acknowledge the following parents for helping clean up our gardens out the front of the school.
Mika Ito, Julia Kahan, Natalia Yi Ting Wong, Jodie Yule, Rachel Jeffreys, Dona Elvitigala, Lindsay Kilpatrick, Louise Foley and Scott Maunders.
Kind Regards,
Sue Jackson - Acting Principal
Year 1/2 Literacy
In Year 1 and 2, students have just finished a six-week writing cycle on procedural texts. Please read on and enjoy some of the texts they created.
Caring For Your Goose - By Felix B.
Hello, do you want to know how to take care of your goose? Then read this.
What you need.
Step 1. Your goose is probably hungry so feed your goose pizza.
Step 2. Buy your goose four other geese.
Step 3. Give your goose a name.
Step 4. Fill up the pool with hose water.
Step 5. Let your goose swim.
Step 6. Let the other geese swim.
Step 7. Dry your goose.
Step 8. Buy a bed.
Step 9. Buy four more beds.
Step 10. Let all the geese go to bed.
Have a cup of tea, you deserve it!
How To Play Tag - By Harry L.
Spectacular lemonade /energy drink
Get ready to win!
Step 1. Excitedly gather 5 friends.
Step 2. Do a race, whoever wins gets to be the sneaky disguised tagger.
Step 3. If it is not you, go hightail fast!
Step 4. Remove any weight you have.
Step 5. Do not fumble or trudge, it can be terrible. If it does happen gently pop a spectacular medkit.
Step 6. If you are doing it at your deluxe school, hide behind the spectacular shed.
Step 7. If you have time block all the deluxe openings.
Step 8. Now you can eat or drink.
Step 9. Get ready to win your deluxe, fancy, spectacular, booming decorated gold cup.
Step 10. By now you’re probably trembling because you won.
I hope you had a good time playing tag!
Materials you need:
Step 1. Play with your little sister.
Step 2. Get some food to eat.
Step 3. Play ballet with your little sister.
Step 4. Get your little sister to bed so she can have a little sleep.
Step 5. You can do what you want when they are snoozing.
Step 6. When they wake up play dolls with them.
Step 7. And if they don’t want to play that then play a game with them.
Step 8. Watch a movie with them.
Step 9. When it is time for bed sing a lullaby then you can do what you want!
Congratulations! You have got the ultimate pet frog inside your enormous backyard! Have fun following these amazing steps.
Food and materials
That’s everything that we need. Let’s get started!
Step 1: Firstly, your poison dart frog is extremely bored. Let him play on the trampoline and swim in the pool.
Step 2: Now your poison dart frog is terribly hungry. Find disgusting flies in your backyard and slowly catch the flies for your poison dart frog.
Step 3: Carefully and slowly give your happy poison dart frog the flies.
Step 4: Now let your frog have a happy fantastic sleep on a tremendous tree.
Step 5: After you’ve let your colourful frog sleep, play with him in the swimming pool and jump on the green lily pads.
Step 6: Lastly, always do the same thing in these steps. If you forget the steps, look in here again. And carefully take care of your dark blue poison dart frog.
How to make a chip - By Mia B.
If you have followed this guide, you know how to make a chip.
How To Babysit A potato
- by Julia N.
Some may say babysitting a potato is difficult, but babysitting a potato is easy! If you are one of the people that say babysitting a potato is difficult, you can just follow this quick and easy guide!
Blanket, any toys, bread, water, potato, collar, leash, baby outfits, a bow or hat, baby oil.
Congrats! You’re babysitting a potato for the rest of your life! ?
potato is yummy you are so yummy
By Amanda Hooper-Duffy - 12H Classroom Teacher
Prep Steiner Numeracy
The children are familiarising themselves with counting and number sense. They have been counting using natural materials as well as gemstones. They have explored one more, one less, as well as counting on and addition and subtraction. They have also been counting by stepping and using different rhythms and beats. The children have used a numbered dice as well as a dotted dice to build their gemstone collections and to race against a buddy to reach a certain number. They have also used number charts up to 30 to work on number recognition. Moving the gemstone along as they count, as well as playing against each other using a dice to reach certain numbers. They have also explored different ways to partition numbers up to 10 using gemstones and two paper plates. The children have represented their results using concrete aides as well as pictorial images.
By Donna Leibowitz - Prep D Classroom Teacher
Wellbeing in Class 4AR
We played human bingo to help us learn about some of the differences and similarities of the students in our class. We walked around the class asking questions and finding one person per box. At the end of the activity we learned that we all had many things that make us who we are. Each of us is different, constantly growing and changing. It is important that we appreciate the way people are similar and different to us.
It is good for us to understand that everyone is a little bit different. While we have some things in common with others, we also have differences. This too is something to be proud of. We can be proud to be the same and proud to be different. Being different is also something to enjoy and respect in others. We can appreciate and respect the ways people are similar to us, and appreciate and respect the ways people are different from us.
By Anna Pititto - 4AR Classroom Teacher
The Grade 3-6 House Cross Country was run and won last Monday morning.
Some fine performances were recorded across all age groups. It was great to see so many students give 100% effort and make it to the finish line.
Thanks must go to the staff who helped out plus the House Captains for their assistance.
Congratulations to the age groups winners and Banksia on their Victory:
Gr 3 Girls - Paige B. (W)
Gr 3 Boys - Blake D. (B)
Gr 4 Girls - Mila P. (B)
Gr 4 Boys - Joey L. (W)
Gr 5/6 Girls - Maisie S. (K)
Gr 5/6 Boys - Jordy S. (B)
Final Points
1st - Banksia (Green)- 266pts
2nd - Waratah (Red) - 168pts
3rd - Jacaranda(Blue) - 146pts
4th - Kurrajong (Yellow) - 108pts
By John Seeary - PE Teacher