Bulletin 19th April 2024


Principal's Message 19th April 2024

Aaron Jones

Aaron Jones has left EBPS, taking up a position at Ormond P.S. as Assistant Principal, which commenced on Monday 15th April. He will be greatly missed by all the staff at EBPS – especially me. This appointment happened on the last day of Term 1, though we could not announce it until 14-day cooling off period ended – which was Friday 12th April. We will have a morning tea for Aaron soon, as he will be busy Week 1, at Ormond. Moving forward - Angela McIntyre will be in 3/4J on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Maddy Edkins on Wednesday and Thursday.

Aaron has written a letter to the parent community:

As you are now aware, I have to say a very sad goodbye as I have taken an Assistant Principalship at Ormond PS. It all happened very quickly and was an opportunity I couldn't give up. 

Thank you, as parents, for making me feel so welcome at this school, your children have been an absolute pleasure to teach and have made coming into work each day a pleasure. 
I will miss so much about this school - the supportive parents, the amazing children, the sense of community and the lovely, dedicated staff. You are very lucky families to have such a great school to nurture your children. 

So 34J is in very strong hands. I have completed an extensive handover with the 3/4 team about your children and their learning programs. 

I will be back soon to say a proper goodbye soon.


  1. Grade 5/6 Camp – Monday 29th April – Wednesday 1st May

This year Grade 5 and 6 students will attend camp at The Summit Camp (Trafalgar East). The camp consists of eight activities, including Laser Skirmish, Human Foosball and Flying Fox.

  1. Mother’s Day Activities – Stall – Thursday 9th May/Morning Tea – Friday 10th May
  2. Education Week 13th – 17th May

As part of Education Week, we will be holding an Open Morning on Wednesday 15th May. 

  1. Student Free Day – 24th May

We will be holding a Student Free Day on Friday 24th May.

Kind Regards,

Sue Jackson - Acting Principal

Farmers' Market Update - March 2024

The Farmers’ Market held on Saturday 24th March was quieter than usual with around 680 people in attendance. 

We raised $3,298 for the month of March, which brings our year-to-date total for 2024 to $8,187.00!

For our March market, we would like to thank the following volunteers, many of whom we count on each month to volunteer their time:

Set-up, Gates & Pack-up: Kevin, Subhashani & Beau, Renate, Brittany, Darcy, Natalie, Shazz, Joy, Christina & Bodhi, Leigh, Shahar, and Emily.

Breakfast Stall: Angela, Sharlene, Jodie, Amy, Chris, Gus, Valerie & Bradley.
Our apologies if we have missed someone!

Our next market is on next Saturday 27th April.

If you’re free to help with set-up, pack-up or on the gate please reach out to Heidi heidinankervis@optusnet.com.au. The breakfast stall will be run by volunteers from our Grade 4 classes so please reach out to Rachel rachel@heypup.com if this is you and you are able to help.

Thank you
Heidi & Rachel

NEW - Term 4 2024 School Calendar

To view the Term 4 Calendar in full - please click here: term calendar
Please note - more entries will be added to the calendar during Term 4 - so be sure to always check the calendar each week when you receive your Newsletter / Bulletin email. Thank-you