East Bentleigh Primary School acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we work and learn, the Boon Wurrung people.We pay respect to their elders, past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Aboriginal Australia.
NAPLAN 2024 – Year 3 and 5
Our Year 3 and 5 students have been completing their NAPLAN assessments in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy this week. It has run smoothly, with just a few minor hitches with technology, which were confidently worked through by our NAPLAN coordinators Aaron Jones and Andrea Smith. I would like to thank all staff involved with the delivery of NAPLAN and our Year 3 and 5 students that have completed these assessments.
COMPASS KIOSK - Visitor and Parent Pick Ups
We are pleased to advise that we have installed a Compass Kiosk at the school office to enable parents to digitally enter their child's early departure from school and for all visitors to sign in and out.
Parents will be able to enter departure details for their child if they are leaving school early, for example - a medical appointment. Parents must always first report to the office to advise staff of the early departure. Once you have entered your child's departure details into the Compass Kiosk, administration staff will call your child to the office or you may go to the teacher/classroom to collect them.
All visitors to the school (including all parent volunteers) must sign in and out using the Compass Kiosk. Please ensure you have your Working With Children Card with you in order to enter your card details upon arrival.
Easter Bonnet Parade
On Thursday 28th March – last day for Term 1 - we are having our Easter Bonnet Parade @ 9:00am on the basketball court. This is a fun way to finish the term. I know I will be visiting Spotlight this weekend to make my hat. Parents are most welcome to join in our parade.
Early finish time - last day of Term 1
Please note that our last day of this term is Thursday 28th March and that we will be finishng early at 2:30pm.
Kind Regards,
Susan Jackson - Acting Principal